I'll admit that I'm pretty spiteful. Whenever people say stuff to me that I don't like, I usually respond properly where they can see and then think of clever and cutting responses the next time they speak. And I never say those things. Partly because I've cooled off by the time we talk again, partly because I know I shouldn't say stuff like that, and partly because I'm afraid. But my motivation isn't really what I'm talking about. I'm pretty familiar with my motivations. What I have to think about is the other person's.
It's trite to say that "you don't know what there going through right now." It's not even close to being the main reason we should value people. But it's generally true. People do have bad days. Sometimes they coincide with ours. I just forget that other people have pasts, too. I always figure everything revolves around me, so that past is less consequential. Stupid. But the guys I mock in my head and the faces I'd like to spit on live in a fallen world too. They don't need my pithy slashes.
I gave this post its title because it reminds me of "Rebel Without A Cause." So misunderstood and treated so badly.
What's the deal? I wish I connected with Christ more so I could start acting like Him.