The part I was reading last night contained the story of Christian at the house of Interpreter. The protagonist walks through the house and is presented with all sorts of symbolism that will help him on his way to the Celestial City. One of these images is that of two little boys, Patience and Passion.
" 'Their governess wants them to wait for their best things until next year,' says Interpreter, 'but Passion wants all his best things now; while Patience is willing to wait.'
Then one came to Passion and poured out at his feet a bag of treasures which he quickly gathered into his arms with great joy. He laughed loudly and made fun of Patience. But soon he wasted everything he had received, and had nothing left but an empty bag.' "
This passage hinted to me at the Prodigal Son, but a few paragraphs later, Interpreter points at that this is like the Rich Man and Lazarus. Reading that section of Luke 16, you can see that the rich man "was clothed in purple and fine linen and feasted sumptuously every day." He chose his comforts and lived on his passions, while Lazarus suffered. And Lazarus' joys didn't get touched by "moth and rust."
I think about "Your Best Life Now" and cringe, because that's what the rich man had. I think about being called to a place where we suffer and feel like we're missing out on life, but really, our joy is not in this world. I wish we'd all stop looking for it here.