Equality with Deity
He did not seek to grasp.
Instead He donned man's flesh upon
Himself, His love His clasp.
Through labor pains to stable plain
Was Infinite confined,
Corporeal, memorial
Of God's plan for mankind.
Hallelujah, humiliation!
He put Himself to degradation.
Hallelujah, humiliation!
The stepping down, the Incarnation.
Heaven's beloved, the nature of
A servant did betake,
Obedient and lenient
For Law and grace's sake.
This awesome goal gave Jesus' soul
Abode in Bethlehem:
The Son of God with flesh was shod
To save the souls of men.
Hallelujah, humiliation!
He put Himself to degradation.
Hallelujah, humiliation!
The stepping down, the Incarnation.
Now, Christians, all hark to His call
To follow His Advent.
He will robe you in bodies new
To pass through firmament.
Hallelujah, the restoration!
His remnant is a new creation.
Hallelujah, the restoration!
Salvific love, propitiation.