Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What a gift it is to be a Christian, to be saved, to be free!  To live out a story of infinite adventure among people of infinite value wherein the real Protagonist is infinitely good, that is what I want to be a part of.  And I am!  Hemingway covers the idea this way:  "All good books have one thing in common - they are truer than if they had really happened."
Now, I don't think that ol' Ernest is being postmodern or is executing historical philosophy here, but I do think he's saying something about the reality presented in the great stories.  These are the ones where we feel deep connection, where we long for the ultimate defeat of the bad guy, and where we stand alongside the hero.  When we admire Beowulf, when we despise Voldemort, when we observe the heroic end of Arthur, we are seeking deeper realities than mundane, scheduled life.
Today, in Life of Christ, I was introducing my students to the calling of the disciples.  If only they could see that these stories are just colorful blips on the radar of our stories, what then? Going on from there, if we'd realize that our stories are just pixels on the IMAX screen of God's story, how much more joyful, more essential, more alive would each of our actions be!

1 comment:

Zach Scheller said...

Fantastic thoughts! It's exciting to be a character in the great metanarrative (to use Mr. C's favorite word)