Friday, June 26, 2009

Now that I'm married...

I've heard a lot of fascinating things happen when you get married: life starts making sense, you realize all your spouse's faults, you feel more confident, and you start learning all sorts of stuff about God.

Maybe I'm just an idiot, or Amy and I have been doing something wrong, but none of those things really jump out at me from two weeks later. I like being married a lot, prefer it, even, but I don't really feel like co-habitation and all that goes with it (that is, the practical side of marriage) has really given me any new wisdom. I'm just trying to love Amy's all, and I just have more opportunities now.

We were talking about sacrificing the other day, because we both have heard that it's pretty essential to marriage, and we've done our share of it in dating, and some in our short time of matrimony. Anyway, we were talking about how sacrifice and forgiveness are sort of the ultimate sides of selfless love, and I thought I'd mention somebody who really inspires me.

My friend Kyle is one of the most mercurial people I've ever met, but that doesn't mean I find much in him to dislike. He's had some tough times with his family, and that's really where I've been able to observe the most Christ-like love I've ever seen. I was sitting with Kyle and two other friends on the back of his houseboat at Easter, and we were discussing the "greatest things we'd ever done." None of us could really think of anything great we'd done, but Kyle, after a long silence which I thought meant he assumed the question was kind of dumb, spoke up with, "The greatest thing I've ever done is forgiving my Dad."

And it was the hardest thing he'd ever done. It's a scary hope, but I hope that I can, someday, love like Kyle has loved. He's getting married tomorrow, and I can't think of a luckier girl than his bride. Congratulations, guys.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Well I'm glad you are married. And I miss you. It was good to talk to you for a brief bit the other day. Thanks for calling me back. How much longer are you in memphis. I'm blogging myself about this, that, and the other; so check it out. Keep fighting for that selfless love!